I have been through many transitions in my own life, so I know how difficult they can be. Especially if you have no one to help you through it. You can feel so totally alone. You may think that you don't want to bother anyone with your problems, or that even if you did they just wouldn't understand. Often we don't even know ourselves how truly devastated we feel. We try to push forward and be super women. But transitions are part of life. And every transition has valuable lessons for us to grow from and then emerge from stronger and smarter and even more enlightened than before.
- Divorce
- The loss of your job
- A career change
- The challenges of mid-live and menopause
- The loss of your home or moving to a new place/town
- The death of a loved one
- A health crisis
- A financial loss
- Or the process of healing from sexual abuse (or any kind of abuse)
Transformational Light-Energy Healing work will take you from transition into transformation. I will be with you every step of the way, using the Light to heal the pain and help you see that there truly is a very bright Light at the end of the tunnel.
Every ending has a new beginning, but the journey between the two is often extremely painful and even emotionally dangerous to traverse, especially alone. A friend of mine once said, "Whenever God closes a door, somewhere She opens another one, but it's Hell in the hall." And it certainly feels like that when you're there. But the truth is that in the hall, or the cocoon, is where the great transformational work occurs if you are conscious and open to the internal healing.
The Light-Energy literally shines the Light on the inner shadow monsters, the pain, the fear, the anxiety, the trauma, and the grief, that must be released or transmuted into Light-Energy to support and create the healthy, more abundant, and happy new you who is preparing to emerge onto this next leg of your life's journey. When you are in the hall I know it can seem like there is no end to the pain or the travail, but I can take you through to the other side, with compassion and expert guidance, because I have been there. I know the way through.
"Barbara Wilder has a knowing that transcends time and space. She takes you on a journey back to your own source..."
◼ Kathleen Krentz, Boulder, CO
Email [email protected] or call (720) 841-5820 today to schedule your complimentary 30-minute exploratory consultation to see if this powerful life-changing work is a match for you.
All sessions are available in person in Los Angeles, or via phone/Skype worldwide.