A Daily Prayer for All People
Gracious and Divine Being,
I ask that You help me to see Your perfection in all things.
I ask that You show me my own inner beauty and help me to acknowledge it.
I ask that You help me to overcome my fears, my doubts, and my grievances.
I ask that You show me how to better love my sisters and brothers throughout the world whatever their beliefs, their finances, or the color of their skin.
Each morning when I awake help me to remember that I am an extension of Your love
At midday help me to recognize that even in my hectic, busy life Divine love is with me,
And each night before I go to sleep help me to know that I slumber in Your grace.
Please guide me to be a kinder and more loving person.
Please show me how to help where I am needed, and teach me to know when my interference will only hinder Your greater plan.
Teach me love, gratitude, acceptance, and forgiveness so that I may better serve You and my own divine purpose.
And above all, let me find and experience true joy each and every day.
Blessed be.